Livre d’Or Meeting 2017
Thank you so much for allowing me the honor of participating in this fine event as the sole American representative. I had a wonderful time, made many new friends and finally met in person some people I had only talked to over the internet for many, many years. The roads, accommodations, entertainment & food were great, but in the end it’s the people who make this unforgettable. It is fantastic knowing how many people so far away from me, are just like me, and passionate about their cruisers. You have given me a lifetime of memories, and that is a debt I could never repay.
Again a big thank you to the most gracious hosts.
Larry Barasch
Your “Chromehead” friend from the US
Thank you for the great photos!
Félicitations beau travail.
Amicalement Christian
Bravo pour ces photos qu’il nous est impossible de faire nous- même, uniquement de bons souvenirs et le plaisir que nous avons eu à retrouver tous les amis et connaissances faites au cours de ces rassemblements. ..
Merci pour tous ces bons moments.
Voilà qui prolonge joyeusement le plaisir de ces journées d’exception! Merci pour ce trombinoscope qui nous rappelle le merveilleux cadre de ces belles balades.
Nous ne t’avons pas remercié en direct sur ta boite mail, mais nous avions fait part de notre enchantement à Michel GRASS dès notre retour: paysages, terroir, organisation, sécurité, animation, rapport qualité/prix et accueil!! tout a été remarquable! Encore bravo et merci au staff et à tous les complices en coulisses…
Roger et Nathalie
Hallo Freunde,
vielen Dank für Euer gelungenes Treffen.
Mit freundlichem Gruß … und bis denne
Eckhard Jäger
Liebe Freunde,
vielen Dank für das schöne Treffen!
Eine wirklich gelungene Veranstaltung!
Das macht Euch so schnell keiner nach!
Wir kommen gerne wieder!
MfG Victory
Thanks to you, Michel and your team for a fantastic, well organised Rally. I hope that you do it again some time in the future.
John Fagan ( the Scotsman)
Sympa, merci.
Dear Jean
Thank you so much for your very nice email and also for your friendship and hospitality at Saint Nabor.
We had a wonderful few days, everything was so well organised and the food was excellent.
We arrived home safely last Thursday night 13th July – having spent the rest of our holidays in S.E. France (Lake Annecy) and Northern Italy (Rivoli, Genoa and Bologna) on the cruiser.
We had very mixed weather, i.e. clowdy in S.E. France but warm – but VERY hot in Northern Italy (35-43 degrees) we were “melting” on the bike a few of the days.
We really appreciate all the hard work you all put into organising Saint Nabor for your fellow cruiser riders.
Until we meet again in September – which we are really looking forward to.
Safe riding and enjoy the rest of the Summer.
kind regards
Anne and Tony McDonald (Ireland)
Many thanks to you and all your colleagues. It was an excellent event, and we look forward to meeting you all again at the next event!
Thank you again for all your efforts!
Thank you
Shona and I had a wonderful time. Lovely part of the world with great friends. Our thanks to Michelle Gras and the rest of your team for an event well prepared.
Hopefully we can welcome you all in Wales for a treffen in 2019.
Enjoy the rest of the summer. Ride safe and look forward to a meeting somewhere in 2018
Best wishes to you all
Ron & Shona
Merci beaucoup mon ami,
We had a great time and hope that you will do it again some time in the future.
John Fagan, your Scottish friend
Thank you so much for allowing me the honor of participating in this fine event as the sole American representative. I had a wonderful time, made many new friends and finally met in person some people I had only talked to over the internet for many, many years. The roads, accommodations, entertainment & food were great, but in the end it’s the people who make this unforgettable. It is fantastic knowing how many people so far away from me, are just like me, and passionate about their cruisers. You have given me a lifetime of memories, and that is a debt I could never repay.
Again a big thank you to the most gracious hosts.
Larry Barasch
Your “Chromehead” friend from the US